CATHarsis x


catharsis has partnered with Jon beinart and the toddlerpillars team to create custom nft+Physical wearables!


We’ve designed Bebeh-inspired 3d Artwork, featuring an unmutated toddlerpillar—a rare and exclusive sight!

We’re releasing 444 Limited Edition NFTs, and each one is redeemable for a real, physical pendant.

People will be allowed to mint a collab piece for every Bebeh they hold (max 10), and can unlock material finishes by holding more PIllars! (.925 silver, plated 18k gold, and rose gold!).

Adopt a mini toddlerpillar you can wear!

  • Silver Bebeh

  • Rose Gold Bebeh

  • Gold bebeh

Wen Mint?


MINTING HAS temporarily CLOSED — pick one up on secondary!



    Silver: 0.07 ETH + Low Gas GOLDENX contract
    Rose Gold: 0.08 ETH + Low Gas GOLDENX contract
    Gold: 0.09 ETH + Low Gas GOLDENX contract

  • Each NFT is a hand-rendered MP4 video loop, featuring the Toddlerpillar pendant!

  • Each Artwork minted is redeemable for 1 physical, precious metal pendant. (Important redemption details below)

  • There are different versions of the artwork, with varying rarities—and some fun surprises! Rarities will be visible as traits, and revealed at mint.

  • You will have your choice of which finish/how many of each you want during mint! You must hold a certain number of Bebehs to unlock each finish:

    • 1 Pillar = Unlock Silver
      3 Pillars = Unlock Rose Gold
      6 Pillars = Unlock Gold

  • Upon redemption, the token will have its image and metadata changed, being marked as redeemed.

    This will create a decreasing supply of unredeemed NFTs, and with the community growing, we expect the value of these to grow hugely over time, even for those who don’t wear pendants!



Being a holder of a TPxCatharsis token (redeemed or unredeemed) will entitle you to future discounts of Toddlerpillars and Catharsis Merch offerings! More details TBA.

Each minted pendant held in the wallet (redeemed or unredeemed) will earn you 100 Larval Gems per day in the Toddlerpillars Discord! — This means you can earn up to 1000 pery day, just by HODLing!

Holders will automatically be granted WL access to the upcoming Catharsis Season One drop - a massive and innovative customizable collection, further fusing Digital art and the physical world! Find our more info on our home page.

Minting a pendant will also grant you a special custom role in the Catharsis Discord!

Redemption opens on this page shortly after the mint closes, and will remain open until all the tokens have been redeemed and all the physicals shipped!

You’ll be directed to a form to fill out your shipping information. Shipping is included in the mint price!

Redemption will be announced on twitter and discord, so make sure to follow us for updates!

The redemption page will be open INDEFINITELY.

As more and more people redeem for their physicals, the supply of unredeemed pendants and physicals will decrease; becoming even more valuable over time!

This offers you, the collector, a chance for a return on investment by HODLing.

What will you choose—redeem for the physical, or keep the unredeemed NFT to resell?

Bling Bling, baby

Now you can represent the Toddlerpillars, both digitally and in the real world!